Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dress up Time

Last night we attended our ward's annual chili feed/trunk or treat. Even Steven and I dressed up. Back when we were engaged (waaaay back, eleven years ago) we bought Maid Marion and Robin Hood costumes. This is the third time we have worn them, the last was back in Ellensburg in 2000, and I am happy to say that they still fit nicely. The kids all had fun dressing up, too. Mary and Rebekah were ice skaters, Isaiah was a vampire, and Emma was a red num & num (M&M), her most favorite treat. Benjamin was the scariest thing Steven and I could think of - a teething baby. The food was good - we have decided that we don't have cornbread nearly enough, and afterwards the kids got loads of candy. Next year we want to decorate our trunk and participate in the giving as well as the getting.

Monday, October 8, 2007

C'mon teeth!

I hate when babies teeth. They sleep poorly and are cranky when they are awake. It seems to take soooo long. I am of the firm belief that Benjamin has been teething for a couple of months now and still NO TEETH! I went back to the other's baby books to remember when they got their first tooth. Mary was 7 months, Isaiah was 6 months, Rebekah was 10 months, Emma was 6 months. Benjamin is now seven and a half months. I really hope that he will get one any day did I make it through Rebekah?