Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting Started

This feels like I am back in college trying to figure out how to start a paper... so I guess that I will do what I did back then and just start writing something (and edit heavily later). Wednesday and Thursday we attended open houses for the kids and decided to sign up for PTA. This is a new thing for us. I have memories of going to my elementary school with mom for PTA meetings (It was terribly boring and the seating was uncomfortable). Hopefully now that I am an adult it will be less so.

We went shopping today for winter coats for Rebekah and Isaiah. Rebekah's is a deep purple with soft fuzzy stuff around the cuffs and hood. It suits her exactly. Isaiah's is blue with stripes on the sleeves and came with a free stocking cap that Emma would have a hard time fitting on her head. Isaiah still made a valiant attempt to wear it and was heard in the bathroom chortling at his attempts.

1 comment:

Amos said...

Well done for your first! You have inspired me to go and finally write something on my blog.

By the way, love the pink - did Emma help you choose colors? :)