Monday, October 8, 2007

C'mon teeth!

I hate when babies teeth. They sleep poorly and are cranky when they are awake. It seems to take soooo long. I am of the firm belief that Benjamin has been teething for a couple of months now and still NO TEETH! I went back to the other's baby books to remember when they got their first tooth. Mary was 7 months, Isaiah was 6 months, Rebekah was 10 months, Emma was 6 months. Benjamin is now seven and a half months. I really hope that he will get one any day did I make it through Rebekah?


Truth & Other Lies said...

No fair!! Grandkids getting teeth and grandpa loosing his. I'll tell helen about your new blog. She will love it. Bill

Huni said...

Ah... the dreaded toothies. I hope this time goes by quickly and as painlessly as possible... for both of you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are doing this. I love hearing about all the grandkids. Makes me miss them so much. Wish we had the time and money to come for a visit. With the ebay store and me getting ready for a big bazar we are up to our eyes with stuff to do. I just decided to do this bazar and so now I am really in a panic to get stuff done. Love to all. Helen

Lifeofpiggys said...

We are over the getting teeth and in the full swing of losing teeth. Tom & Stephen are both finally getting teeth to fill the gapping hole in the frount of their mouths!!