Monday, January 28, 2008

Patience Iago

Well, we did it! We made an offer on a house. Now comes the hard part. Waiting. I must confess that I get overly excited about most things and that I HATE waiting. Even though we could know as early as Wednesday, it seems like such a long time. We have already started planning the changes that we want to make to the basement, and I have priced out many of the items we will want for our, paint, appliances, etc. I have picked color schemes. I hope that if our offer is accepted that the month it will take to close will go fast. Thank goodness February is the shortest month.

Other news of note for us is the winter weather. We got about a foot of snow Saturday and Sunday. Since we already had some on the ground, we have several feet in the yard now. The roads are horrible, even though they have plowed some of them. The kids got a snow day today, and around dinner time they canceled school for tomorrow as well. Tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get a few more inches, then more on Thursday, and still more this coming weekend. Emma keeps asking when summer will be here.

On a side note, on Sunday Isaiah said that he wished he could speak another language so that he could talk to the Wales in Wales (meaning his cousins). Steven told him that they also spoke English and Isaiah was relieved apparantly this has been weighing on his mind. It will be so much fun for the cousins to spend some time together this summer.

1 comment:

Lifeofpiggys said...

How exciting...House...SNOW...yeah!

Hello in Welsh is bora da. I am taking a welsh for beginners class as the boys are now starting to speak welsh to each other and I don't understand most of it.