Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brownie Points, Please

There is a new system of work and reward in our home. It started a couple of weeks ago when I asked one of the kids (Isaiah, I think) to please run upstairs and fetch the wipes and a diaper. Feeling his age, he asked what he would get for it, and I told him he could have a brownie point (to me a brownie point is when you don't get anything but goodwill from a person for doing something). He went and did what I asked right away and I gave it no more thought. Later, while I was upstairs making lunch, Mary rushes into the room, with Isaiah and Rebekah close behind wanting to know what she could do to earn a "donut point, too." Several days passed with the kids frequently asking what they could do to earn points and arguing over who would do the small something to earn a point. They kept a running tally and talked about it A LOT. I must admit, I found something for them to do every time they asked.

They were all approaching double digits, before they realized they didn't know what exactly brownie points are good for. Mary started grumbling that it was just another way to get them to help out at home, besides their daily chore (she is starting to catch on too quickly to some things). So I decided that they could redeem brownie points for various things, extra time on the computer or video games, staying up a little past their bedtime (that one won't work during school), or other special things. They can also lose brownie points, especially at bedtime if they don't go when they are told. Bedtimes have been much nicer, a good deal less wandering of the halls, and what not.

I just have to add this picture taken last Sunday. What a Cutie!


Rachael said...

SO glad you are bloggin again:) My goodness is Ben ADORABLE!!!! I can't wait to see you next week (yea!)!!

Lifeofpiggys said...

Great pictures of your camping trip! The kids are all looking much bigger than last year! I've posted some pictures on facebook of the boys this summer. If you're not on let me know and I will put them on my blog for you and Steve to look at.

Amos said...

How many brownie points do I get for commenting on how freaking cute Ben is? Probably none because it's just the plain truth. :)

David and I loved how the kids went from "brownie" to "donut" for their points. Personally, it would be brownies for me too, but David picked donut points over the brownie points!