Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Callie's sister

Today we got another cat. Callie's sister's old owner moved across the country and didn't want to keep her. Her name was Missy, but we think we will change it to Co-Co. (The last half of the word calico, Callie is named from the first part of the word). From what we have been told her personality is a lot less fiesty and independant than Callie. Her behavior up till now is backing that up. She has spent the hour since she arrived hiding behind the toilet. When we got Callie, even as a kitten she explored the whole house and was very curious.

Callie was for the first little bit, very curious about the new arrival. After that passed she spent some time hissing at her. That too has passed, and now Callie is busy ignoring her. One of our original thoughts for taking a second cat was to give Callie some company...we'll have to see if that part works out. When/if Co-Co decides to come out of the bathroom, I will post a picture of both of them.

On a totally unrelated topic, I am tired of the heat and want Fall to arrive. I love crisp mornings and falling leaves. Last year it seemed as though one week was summer and then the next week we went straight to winter.

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