Monday, October 19, 2009

Priesthood Leadership Conference

About a month ago we had our normal stake conference. At that conference we were informed that we would be having another stake conference in four weeks, at which the entire stake would attend solely at the stake center. Yesterday we went to that conference which was presided over by Elder Ronald A. Rasaband of the Presidency of the Seventy. There were no changes to the stake (which we were expecting) instead this was our introduction to Priesthood Leadership Conferences. Elder Bednar and Elder Rasaband came and visited with leaders (mission, bishopric, stake, and others) and had a four hour meeting with them on Saturday. This new type of conference will allow the leadership of the stakes of the church to recieve a visit from an apostle about every 4 years. Elder Rasaband also attended a stake youth fireside Saturday evening.
Sunday morning we listened to a talk from our stake president, several testimonies from youth and adults in the stake, Brother and Sister Border from the Spokane Mission, and Brother and Sister Grimmett in the Spokane Temple Presidency, and then Elder Rasaband. What I heard of the meeting I really enjoyed (I spent the majority of the time dealing with a cranky Benjamin).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happenings of the past week

A couple of post-able events that occured this week:

Benjamin is big enough to wear the size 2/3 Sunbeam shirt. This shirt has been passed down from Rebekah to Emma and now Benjamin. Emma was at first sad to see her old shirt in Ben's drawer, but quickly changed her feelings to excitement that he was getting so big. She wanted him to wear it right away. Afterwards, she and Ben went out to the living room to play. She set up a couple of chairs and they sang songs and pretended to listen and interact with a teacher. She came back into my room and proudly announced that she was helping Ben learn how to be a Sunbeam.

Another moment involving Emma...I was playing a game on the computer when Emma came into the room and asked if I could get a certain stuffed animal down from the pet net (a little hammock thingy) in her room. Rebekah was playing on the top bunkbed and could easily reach the toy so I asked her to grab it, which she happily did. After a few minutes Emma was back to ask if she could have all of her stuffed animals down to play with. I told her to go ask her sister really nicely to get them down for her. From my room, I listened to her ask "Rebekah, mom asks you to super pretty pretty please with 100 cherries on top of purple to get my animals down." Rebekah again very nicely said "Sure." Emma then exclaimed with great glee "Hooray for my evil plan!" What a goose! The "evil" part of her plan was to tell Rebekah that I wanted Emma's animals down instead of it just being Emma's request. I laughed for a while about that one.