Monday, October 19, 2009

Priesthood Leadership Conference

About a month ago we had our normal stake conference. At that conference we were informed that we would be having another stake conference in four weeks, at which the entire stake would attend solely at the stake center. Yesterday we went to that conference which was presided over by Elder Ronald A. Rasaband of the Presidency of the Seventy. There were no changes to the stake (which we were expecting) instead this was our introduction to Priesthood Leadership Conferences. Elder Bednar and Elder Rasaband came and visited with leaders (mission, bishopric, stake, and others) and had a four hour meeting with them on Saturday. This new type of conference will allow the leadership of the stakes of the church to recieve a visit from an apostle about every 4 years. Elder Rasaband also attended a stake youth fireside Saturday evening.
Sunday morning we listened to a talk from our stake president, several testimonies from youth and adults in the stake, Brother and Sister Border from the Spokane Mission, and Brother and Sister Grimmett in the Spokane Temple Presidency, and then Elder Rasaband. What I heard of the meeting I really enjoyed (I spent the majority of the time dealing with a cranky Benjamin).

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